Commonly Asked Questions
What are the indications for compression?
- 8-15mmHg: Diabetics Compression
- 15-20mmHg: Preventative - for heavy, fatigued and tired legs, preventative measures during pregnancy, and long periods of standing or sitting.
- 20-30mmHg: Mild Symptoms/Changes - painful, heavy, fatigued, and aching legs, mild varicosities during pregnancy, mild to moderate edema and post sclerotherapy of small veins.
- 30-40mmHg: Moderate Symptoms/Changes - moderate varicosities with moderate edema, severe varicosities during pregnancy, post fracture or traumatic edema,
- 40+ mmHg: Severe Symptoms/Changes - severe varicosities, severe edema, severe post traumatic and post fracture edema, recurring or active venous ulceration, severe post thrombotic syndrome.
What do compression socks do?
- Compression socks promote the venous blood flow from the feet back toward the heart overcoming the effects of gravity. Medical grade graduated compression is designed to be stronger in the feet and gradually diminish in pressure as they extend up the calf into the thigh. Properly designed and fitted compression leg-wear prevent venous blood pooling in the legs and feet, improve leg symptoms, and decrease the risk of blood clots.